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Hi my name is Arrica, pronounced Erica. I am 10 years old, my birthday is in November.
I have 5 sisters; Ashley, Brandey, Whitney, and Shelby and Caitlyn. Shelby is my 'best sister', we share a room, she is so cute. My favorite food is Canadian Bacon pizza with lots of cheese.
My favorite show is FRIENDS. My favorite person on that show is Rachel. I'm an eigth-grader in public school now, and am active in Journalism and our school newspaper. I also enjoy basketball, our season just finished with our team
being district co-champions.
A couple of summers ago we went to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Mo. Silver Dollar City is an 1880's theme park Click Here to see pictures of our trip to Silver Dollar City.
I am very interested in space, the planets and the stars. Edwin Hubble, (left) for whom the Hubble Telescope was named, was Born in Marshfield, Missouri-- the same place my Dad grew up. Mr. Hubble lived in Marshfield for many years, and there is a scaled replica of the Hubble Telescope on the town square. I've decided to provide some links to info about Mr. Hubble and to some pictures taken by the Hubble telescope. We are working on getting a wonderful article about Mr Hubble reprinted from Marshfield's local paper, so please visit this page again.
A few other links I enjoy:
- The Astronaut Memorial Planetarium and Observatory Several interesting things here, including images of of Comet Hyakutake, and a page that gives you a view of the stars in the sky in a current month or some of the past few months.
- The Nine Planets Info about each of the planets, and the sun and each planet's moons..plus pics.
- The Position of the Planets are shown for the given week.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day There is also a brief description of the image.
- The NASA homepage ,
a very interesting site, full of information on space, planets, and educational materials.
- Welcome to The Planets , from the California
Institute of Technology. See awesome pictures if the planets and read lots of interesting information about each one.
a very interesting site, full of information on space, planets, and educational materials
- The Exploratorium homepage ,
We took a vacation to San Francisco in 1993, but we didn't have time to see this. I wish we had!
- The National Air and Space Museum ,
has a "map" of all of their different galleries. Click on a gallery to see some exhibits and learn more about that gallery.
Come back soon, ya hear!
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