Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
The Civil War Battle of Wilson's Creek was fought here in 1861. It was the first major Civil War Battle west of the Mississippi River. Today, there is a visitor's Center that shows a short film, and has a museum of changing displays. There is a 4.9 mile tour by auto that winds through various battle sites. A Civil War reenactment and demonstration are held every summer.

Located at Farm Rd 182 & State Highway ZZ, Republic Mo. Admission $2 per person or $4 a carload. (max) (417) 732-2662

Springfield-Greene County History Museum
Located on the 3rd floor of our 1894 City Hall, Springfield , the history and heritage of Springfield and Greene County are the focus of this museum.

830 Boonville, Springfield, Mo Open Tuesday - Sat 10:30 am - 4:30 pm. Suggested Donations: Adults $3 , Seniors $2.50, Children 6-12 $ 1.00. (417) 864-1976

The Gray/Campbell Mansion
Built in 1856, this is the oldest house in Springfield. It has been restored and now houses a museum of Civil War Antiques.

Located in Nathaniel Greene Park it is open May-September Sat & Sunday 1:30 pm - 4 pm , and in April and October it is open Sunday 1:30 pm - 4 pm. No Admission. (417) 862-6293

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