Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Headquarters
Worlds's largest sporting goods store. Includes an art gallery, a museum of mounted fish and wildlife, five giant aquariums, where you can observe fish feedings daily, a 2 story log cabin, a trout stream inside the store, and a four- story waterfall. Last year, more visitors came to Bass Pro Shops than went to the St. Louis Arch.
There is something for everyone to do here, even if your not the "outdoorsy" type. There is a Barber Shop, an excellent restaurant -- Hemingway's --- Great food and worth the price. There is even a McDonald's for those of you with simple tastes. Located at 1915 S. Campbell, Springfield, 6 miles south of I-44. Open Monday-Saturday 7 am - 10 pm & Sunday 9 am- 6 pm. (417) 887-1915
Visit Bass Pro's Shops impressive web site!

Bass Pro's Wildlife Museum
Hours at the Wildlife Museum are Monday-Friday 9 am - 8 pm. Saturday 8 am - 9 pm, Sunday 9 am - 5 pm . Museum Admission: Adults $4.00, Children $2..00 (417) 887-1915
Missouri Sports Hall of Fame
Showcases great individuals and moments in Missouri Sports; includes interactive areas so you can experience your favorite sport.
5051 Highland Springs Boulevard, 1/4 mile E. of 65 on 60. Hours are Monday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Admission : Senior Citizens: $4.00, Adults: $5.00, Children $3.00 Group Rates are available. (417) 889-8100

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